If I wrote down every interaction that happened to me, my story would sound so far-fetched because it works out so perfectly in the end like a fairytale. But it's quite the opposite—coincidence isn't even the word best to describe it. I know I love my clichés, but destiny takes the cheesecake So I try not to use it too much. The people, places, and events that I go through seem perfectly placed for me to learn and grow from these opportunities and experiences. This mouth will get my where I want to get because I know how to carry myself and can convey to people that I care, thus leading them to further interacting and proposing opportunities.
You all know I don't like my job, so I don't really like sticking around when I don't have to. After getting off work the other night, I started walking without a jacket like a dummy, because I rushed out forgetting it was cold as shit. I passed by a dealership I see every day, and I happened to stumble upon this great-looking white Pontiac Grand Prix '06. So I went inside to speak to them. A salesman named Coco talked with me—a really cool guy. He took an interest in me; the middle easterners always do because I look like I'm part of the Armenian mafia, with my hair slicked back. Coco told me it was $3900. I'm really thinking about picking it up as the whip before the come upso I have transportation. I passed by it today, but it wasn't there so I gotta make sure my opportunity didn't pass.
Good news has arrived as well! One of my parents' friends from our old Church stopped by. Sam works in the human resources department at a company I make deliveries to, andhe can pretty much guarantee employment there starting in the summer. Ya boi ain't going to be working for minimum wage anymore. I'll be making at the very least 55k a year, and it's under a Union so yay for benefits! The only unfortunate part is that it's actually ademanding job, both mentally and physically. It's a factory job loading pallets that get delivered to places all over the country. This could also be my opportunity to begin my dream; corporate America, here I come! I'm not going to have as much time to stream, but we'll see how it goes when the time comes.
I got really hammered on Sp00ky Saturday. No one really knows this, but I ended up barfing after the broadcast. It got all over my desk and keyboard! It was such a blast though, but I'm not goingto be drinking anymore.I can provide good content without the use of external help. I’ll be receiving my capture card sometime this week or next. So this opens the doors to so many new opportunities. New people to meet, new games—there aren't many obstacles left besides time and buying new consoles, obviously.
This is my year and there are no more excuses, the time is now!
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